North Stonington Recreation
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NoSto Fall Soccer 2024 Register View Cart

A Young Boy Kicking A Soccer Ball During Game
NoSto Fall Co-ed Youth Soccer 2024

This will be an "in-town" only program for kids between the ages of seven (7) and fourteen (14) with the games/practices taking place at the Rocky Hollow soccer fields.  Team size, age-groups, and the number of teams will be determined by the amount of registrations received as well as the number of volunteer coaches.  Players will be organized into teams / divisions in late-August with games starting in mid September.  Periodically check this website for any updates pertaining to this program.  Also, watch for recreation email blasts with updated information.  Deadline to register is August 18th.  

Fee:  $50 N.S. resident ($55 non-resident) 
Late registrations ($75 resident / $83 non-resident) starting 08/19/24

KIDS FALL SOCCER ACADEMY for ages three (3) thru six (6) is in the process of being put together and will be advertised soon as a separate registration program on website

Soccer Coordinators:
Jim Holdridge (860) 334-5297
Emily Mastroianni (401)297-9995

Volunteer Coaches are always needed.  If interested contact the Soccer Coordinators.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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7 / 8's 
7y - 8y N/A   08/26/2024 - 11/08/2024

$75.00 Res, $83.00 Non-Res
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9 / 10's 
9y - 10y N/A   08/26/2024 - 11/08/2024

$75.00 Res, $83.00 Non-Res
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11 / 12's 
11y - 12y N/A   08/26/2024 - 11/08/2024

$75.00 Res, $83.00 Non-Res
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13 / 14's 
13y - 14y N/A   08/26/2024 - 11/08/2024

$75.00 Res, $83.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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